
MSN DV Guide: 'Smash'ing the charts, and Pretty Little Lying around

NBC's 'Smash' takes to the small screen with reasonable success. Pretty Little Liars have some new discoveries in Rosewood, and your tablet, your entertainment, your way. All that revealed on MSN's 'DV-Guide'.

<a href='http://tv.msn.com/dv-guide?videoId=16f6173f-0f47-45ae-9950-8d0dbcf88166&from=&src=v5:embed::' target='_new' title=''Smash' and 'Pretty Little Liars' on Tablet TV'>Video: 'Smash' and 'Pretty Little Liars' on Tablet TV</a>

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Stephen Seidel's Renegade Reporting has covered red carpets, films, events, and many more. Find the Renegade within you, and... step outside the box (office).  -Stephen SeidelRenegade Reporting

Follow: RenegadeRptg

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