
Stephen Seidel Kicks off DV Guide on MSN

Transition from paying cable to streaming all your content. Stephen Seidel hosts "DV Guide" on MSN.com

<a href='http://tv.msn.com/dv-guide?videoId=2082e6e7-9cfc-436e-9493-82d98fad708b&amp;from=&amp;src=v5:embed::' target='_new' title='DV Guide: TV&#8217;s Reality Bosses'>Video: DV Guide: TV&#8217;s Reality Bosses</a>

Please Tweet @StephenSeidel @RenegadeRptg or with any comments or questions.

Stephen Seidel's Renegade Reporting has covered red carpets, films, events, and many more. Seidel always asks the questions that need to be answered to make an impact, but listening is what he does best. Support local filmmakers and arts programs, to aid in the creative mind infiltration of our youth, both tomorrow's visionaries and today's renegades. Find the renegade within you, and step outside the box-office. -Stephen Seidel, Renegade Reporting

Follow: RenegadeRptg

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